CAL10N News

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13th of April 2013 - Release of CAL10N version 0.8.1

With JSR-269 support, verification of bundles can be performed at compilation time.

This release adds JSR-269 support. In other words, verification of bundles can be performed at compilation time. See the related documentation for more details.

Fix issue with Eclipse not finding existing resources. With release 0.8.1, Eclipse will find bundles located under "src/main/resources" but still fail to find bundles located under "src/test/resources/".

Compatibility restored To preserve backward compatibility, reverting renaming of Cal10nError as CAL10NError introduced in version 0.8. Given that version 0.8 is only a day old, the incompatible change introduced in 0.8 should impact but a few users.

When reading in bundles, the verify method in MessageKeyVerifier now uses the locale passed as parameter instead of always Locale.FR. This bug was reported by Dale Wijnand who also provided the releavant patch.

12th of April 2013 - Release of CAL10N version 0.8.

Avoid using version 0.8

Given that this version introduced a backward incompatible change (reverted in 0.8.1). It is therefore recommended to avoid using version 0.8.

18th of March 2013 - Release of CAL10N version 0.7.7

Correctly read escaped ':', '#', '!', '=' characters. The behavior is documented in the Properties javadocs. This fixes CAL-37 reported by Marko Lukša who also provided the relevant patch.

14th of March 2013 - Release of CAL10N version 0.7.6

Correct handling of case where a backslash character is followed by another backslash character in bundles. This fixes CAL-29 reported by Stuart Douglas who also provided the corrective patch.

26th of February 2013 - Release of CAL10N version 0.7.5

Project refresh.

5th of July 2010 - Release of CAL10N version 0.7.4

When reading in bundles, CAL10N will now honor special character combinations such as '\n', '\r', '\t' as well as unicode escapes using the \uxxxx notation. This fixes CAL-19 reported by Fabien Barbero.

2nd of July 2010 - Release of CAL10N version 0.7.3

Fixed maven-cal10n-plugin so that it works with Maven 3.0-beta1. This issue was reported in CAL-18 by Paul Merlin.

Added ch.qos.cal10n.util package to OSGi metadata headers in cal10n-api as requested by Ekkehard Gentz Muir in CAL-11.

28th of October 2009 - Release of CAL10N version 0.7.2

Added OSGi bundle headers to cal10n-api as requested by Peter Muir in CAL-9.

The bundle lookup() method in MessageConveyor now uses the class loader of the enum tpye instead of the class loader which loaded the MessageConveyor class. The fixes CAL-8 as reported by Pete Muir.

4th of September 2009 - Release of CAL10N version 0.7

Added capability for reading bundles in any JVM supported charset, rendering native2ascii superfluous. Unfortunately, the annotations to specify locales became more complicated. However, the price is probably well worth the cost.

3rd of September 2009 - Release of CAL10N version 0.6.5

MessageConveyor now caches resource bundles for dramatically (500 fold) improved performance.

Resource bundles are automatically reloaded upon change.

2nd of September 2009 - Release of CAL10N version 0.6

Fixed issue CAL-1 as reported by Takeshi Kondo. MessageConveyor will now correctly handle enums which are nested within other classes or enums which are nested within another enum.

CAI10N now uses a simplifed bundle lookup procedure.

1st of September 2009 - Release of CAL10N version 0.5.1

Fixed a bug causing the maven-cal10n-plugin to fail on Linux. The plug-in is now tested on both Windows and Linux to work as expected.

Added support for deferred localization.

Added page on CAL10N error codes and their meanings.

29th of August 2009 - Release of CAL10N version 0.5

Fixed a bug reported by Ralph Goers involving a method introduced in JDK 1.6. This release correctly targets JDK 1.5

28th of August 2009 - Release of CAL10N version 0.4

Project has been renamed as CAL10N, pronounced "calion". The former name CAI18N was hard to pronounce. The project web site is now hosted at

28th of August 2009 - Release of CAI18N version 0.3

Same code, improved documentation.

28th of August 2009 - Release of CAI18N version 0.2

Editing changes attributing original idea for CAI18N to Takeshi Kondo, also mentioning the discussion involving Ralph Goers, Ceki Gülcü, Takeshi Kondo and Pete Muir on the slf4j-dev mailing list. usable.

Added a new section in the manual about verification using Junit test cases.

Improved javadoc documentaion.

27th of August 2009 - Release of CAI18N version 0.1

This is the first release of CAI18N. It should be quite usable.

24th of August 2009 - CAI18N web site goes live

The CAI18N web site goes live albeit with minimal content.

23rd of August 2009 - Start of work

Inspired by a discussion on the SLF4J mailing list, started work on the CAI18N project.