Uses of Class

Packages that use MessageConveyorException
ch.qos.cal10n The main package of the CAL10N project. 

Uses of MessageConveyorException in ch.qos.cal10n

Methods in ch.qos.cal10n that throw MessageConveyorException
<E extends Enum<?>>
MessageConveyor.getMessage(E key, Object... args)
          Given an enum as key, find the resource bundle corresponding to this locale and return the message corresponding to the key passed as parameter (internationalized per this locale).
<E extends Enum<?>>
IMessageConveyor.getMessage(E key, Object... args)
          Retrieve a localized message by its key as specified by an enum.
 String MessageConveyor.getMessage(MessageParameterObj mpo)
 String IMessageConveyor.getMessage(MessageParameterObj mpo)
          Syntactic sugar for the case where the massage is contained in a MessageParameterObj.

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